Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Life in my garden!

I have recently started gardening. While my University was closed for a strike, I decided to start gardening. I bought some seeds, planted them in small plastic pots(taken from the landscapers who worked on the property next to us: Recycling). I watered them, and waited, and ignored all advice that it was to early to plant. I was excited when, at the 13 day mark, my lettuce sprouted. And slowly, since then, everything else has been coming along.

Because of the cold, my beans took a ridiculously long time to sprout, I was on the verge of giving up (perhaps if I had followed the old farmer's knowledge and waited until May long-weekend they would've come up in the regular 14 days). I had even put some new seeds in a jar (wrapped in wet paper towel, like kids do in kindergarten, to ensure I'd have at least some seedlings). But, regardless, they have sprouted now. Just yesterday they were only little rounded sprouts of green, barely visible. Overnight they popped out of the soil. So no matter how long it took, they survived my early planting and are here at last.

I am nerdily excited by my growing garden, and wishing I had just a little more space. So, above are some photos to show my progress.
AT THE TOP: Some happy, healthy, growing like weeds pea plants.
IN THE MIDDLE: My just sprouted beans!
AT THE BOTTOM: My very hearty and delicious Rosemary.
Any of the large holes in the ground are old deer footprints (from before I put up my retractable bamboo fence) and some of the plants might look a bit nibbled. Also, the soil isn't great, but the plants don't seem to care.

My wonderful Mum bought me a great gardening book "No Guff Vegetable Gardening" By Donna Balzer and Steven Biggs. Its awesome because it has tons of important information, but dispels a lot of the "guff" that can be found on the internet by a newbie (me) looking for tips and advice.


  1. You have the family green thumb inherited from your grandfather and great-grandfather, while I on the other hand kill things. (Things in the garden I mean). I love that it skipped me and went on to you. I am going to buy plants from now on and pretend I grew them. Or, then again, you could garden here in your spare time...

  2. I was thinking about that. There is that whole vegetable garden in the yard looking a little sad and neglected. I think at this point it would take a lot of work to make it a garden again, but I can try.
